
Thinking of selling your home? We can help!
We are experts in the Matanuska-Susitna Valley real estate market. We would love to help you sell your home for the best possible price. 

We have the perfect licensee for you no matter what you are selling. We use our extensive knowledge of local neighborhoods and a comprehensive market analysis in order to provide you with the expert advice you'll need in order to get your home on the market.

Alaska Built Real Estate gives each of our listings individual attention. We don’t just list your home in the MLS system; we sell it by exposing your property to the widest number of potential buyers using a combination of MLS syndication, social media marketing, property flyers and professional signage, marketing photos, virtual tours, radio advertisements, open houses and our own extensive local network.

The first step is finding out how much your house is worth in today’s market.

Your Name*

Your Email*

Your Phone Number


Year Built


Ranch Style, Two Story or Split Entry?


How many bedrooms?

How many Bathrooms?

Garage? How Many?

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Fax: 907-631-FXIT (3948)
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