
In 2013 my parents decided they wanted to move to Alaska from Texas. They gave me the impossible task of finding them a home to buy before they moved. I set out with a list of their needs and desires and that is about it. After a few months and a dozen or so houses the licensee lost interest in the daunting task and gave up. That is when I was introduced to Sam. He came highly recommended through my friend who had just built a house with Sam and Robert. She was so happy with the service and explained that Sam goes above and beyond to help and had become like family. I called him and he dove right in to the challenge. Sam sent me listing after listing and we viewed house after house. I was beginning to get frustrate with my parents request but Sam was resilient. He found the perfect house but sadly my parents hesitated and the house was lost. I lost hope but Sam didn’t and he kept right on finding houses. Sam’s dedication never wavered and it is due to his perseverance that my parents were able to find a home that fit all of their needs. Sam was right there through every step in the process and like my friend had said, he has become like family.

Michaella Leisure, Wasilla, AK

Thank you Sam for your time and dedication in finding the perfect location to building a new duplex. You were always available whenever I had questions and explained the steps and details in purchasing a lot as a first time buyer. Your professionalism and caring personality was wonderful to work with!


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